C++ (6) Coding Interview (3) Combinatorics (3) LaTeX (1) Miscellaneous (1) Number Theory (7) Problem Solving (1) SPOJ (1) UVa (23) problem solving (2)

 C++ (6)

Count number of 1's in a bit string
Using std namespace before C functions in C++
Div function in C++
How to reverse an array
Be cautious when using std::getline!
Strict Weak Ordering

 Coding Interview (3)

Reverse First K Elements of a Queue
Implement Queue Using Linked List
Commonly Asked OOP Question

 Combinatorics (3)

Number of digits from $1$ to $n$
How many numbers of some given length are there?
Maximum Value of nCr

 LaTeX (1)

A guide to writing latex in github pages

 Miscellaneous (1)

A guide to writing latex in github pages

 Number Theory (7)

Modular Multiplicative Inverse
Linear Congruence
Fermat's Little Theorem
Extended Euclidean Algorithm
Exponentiation By Squaring
Bezout's Identity
Why does the Euclidean Algorithm for finding G.C.D of two number work?

 Problem Solving (1)

Sum of All

 SPOJ (1)


 UVa (23)

UVa 113 - Power of Cryptography
UVa 530 - Binomial Showdown
UVa 677 - All Walks of length "n" from the first node
UVa 729 - The Hamming Distance Problem
UVa 624 - CD
UVa 10344 - 23 out of 5
UVa 1584 - Circular Sequence
UVa 10576 - Y2K Accounting BUg
UVa 11078 - Open Credit System
UVa 11001 - Necklace
UVa 256 - Quirksome Squares
UVa 10976 - Fractions Again?!
UVa 927 - Integer Sequences from Addition of Terms
UVa 455 - Periodic Strings
UVa 441 - Lotto
UVa 401 - Palindromes
UVa 1753 - Need For Speed
UVa 11586 - Train Tracks
UVa 11507 - Bender B. Rodríguez Problem
UVa 11679 - Sub-Prime
UVa 10107 - What is median?
UVa 10114 - Loansome Car Buyer
UVa 11364 - Parking

 problem solving (2)

Fun With Cards (Part 1)
CP 3 Book Exercises - Chapter 1